mit Milch und Zucker

mit Milch und Zucker

Gerald meets Katharine: Austria and Taiwan - an extraordinary friendship

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Takeover with Gerald Loaker and Katharine Chang

(01:54) The first thing we are very proud of is the democracy of Taiwan. (02:22) Taiwan people are very friendly and very hospitable. (02:36) I encourage, and I welcome Austrians to visit Taiwan. (02:53) Austria and Taiwan share the common values of Freedom, Democracy and the Respect for Human Rights. (03:44) The people of Taiwan emphasize the importance of good education, family values and treating people nicely. (04:55) We have to be very strong not only to learn to survive but also to thrive. (08:20) China considers Taiwan a local Province. They carry out diplomatic functions for Taiwan, which is completely ungrounded. (08:47) We are isolated in the international community. (08:57) Between Austria and Taiwan there are no formal diplomatic ties. (10:02) We learned a good lesson how to deal with Covid during the SARS epidemic 2003. (10:18) We sensed the threat of COVID 19 and informed the WHO but the WHO didn't take it quite seriously. (11:38) Because of our success fighting the pandemic, we shared our experience with other countries and also donated facial masks and medical equipment to countries in need. (12:26) The virus knows no borders it requires global cooperation. (16:40) I think that it is important that all democracies, the friends, partners, the likeminded countries should work together to safeguard democracy, to safeguard our values. (16:55) When we work together, we will be able to uphold the values we cherish. (20:14) Taiwanese people are very outgoing and they enjoy making friends worldwide. (21:39) Austrians, you are most welcome to visit Taiwan.

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