mit Milch und Zucker

mit Milch und Zucker

Azra - Building and creating bridges

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(07:41) Whenever you go to Bosnia, you will never be hungry, because everybody will over you food, you will not be thirsty because they will offer you to drink. (07:53) We are proud of being kind. (13:52) I personally developed in project-writing and strategic planing. (14:15) We are recognized as organisation that always brings strangers to Ključ. (17:25) During the COVID Crisis in 2020, we offered our Youth Hostel as Covid Ambulance. (18:27) The name "Kosmos" for our Youth Center, we pulled that out of a hat. (20:59) Other Organizations educated us how to write a good project. (23:44) We have so many functions that nobody really understands. (24:23) Everything changed when we started our first project. (31:17) People left Bosnia and Ključ because of the financial insecurity and the insecurity for the family. (38:49) We thought we leave Ključ vor one month and than we come back and the war will be over but it went on for another 3 years. (41:34) The last Bosnian King was captured in Ključ in 1463. (47:12) Bosnia and Hercegovina is the heart shaped land. (49:11) Sarajevo has a soul. (49:41) Sarajevo has suffered a lot but its the point where culture meets. (52:22) To be healthy and happy that's the most important thing. (54:36) I have this crazy wish to visit the United States of America. (1:00:09) We just have to dream on.

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Über diesen Podcast

Wir alle kennen Menschen die uns auf die eine oder andere Art beeindrucken. Menschen die eine Geschichte haben die erzählt werden muss. Manchmal ist sie lustig, manchmal traurig oder tragisch. Oft erkennen wir uns in anderen Geschichten wieder oder können etwas daraus lernen. Meistens aber bringen sie uns zum Nachdenken.

Wir wollen Menschen Raum geben, von sich zu erzählen und ihre Geschichte zu teilen.

Und alles beginnt bei Kaffee und Kuchen und mit der Frage:

Mit Milch und Zucker?

von und mit Christiane Hurnaus, Brenda Annerl


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