Anna - A Voice from Ukraine
(03:41) We are in a safe place and my family is ok and I am ok. As much as we can be in this situation. (04:11) The war started 2014 with Crimea being taken away. (05:16) You get tired of the panic. You await everything, but it is still unbelievable once it starts. (06:19) I woke up at 4am because I heard some explosions. (06:44) You hear the explosions, and you see your kids and you think “What should I do?” (07:14) I thought they would not attack civilians, but now they are bombing Kyiv. (07:45) People are living in the subway stations. Women are giving birth there. (08:07) I escaped with my family and the kid of a volunteer for the military. She said to me “You take my kid and you leave Kyiv.” (11:39) You must keep your mental health, because it is really crucial. (12:00) The as we call it “Blitzkrieg” has failed, because they did not invade us in two days, as they wanted to. (14:21) It is the 21st century and someone comes and puts his nostalgia over the Soviet Union with missiles over your head. (14:35) It is not a Tsunami, it is a force of men. (14:54) There is so much to do for Humanity, why do you have to start this war? (15:38) When the Crimea was taken, nobody believed it was happening. And from that time, we do have a grief against Europe, because everyone, Germany, France, told us not to do anything and to understand Putin. (16:28) They did kill people and they did take children from our soldiers. (17:10) Russian Media tried to persuade people, that eastern and western Ukrainians are like East- and West Germany. But that is not the case. They even vote quite similar. (18:16) When the tension rises, you always search for someone to blame. (19:40) Russia attacked military people first but second pro-European people. (20:37) They said: “Let Putin take Crimea and he will stop.” He didn’t. They said: “He needs Luhansk und Donezk as a corridor to Crimea, he will stop then.” He didn’t. Ukraine will not be enough for him. He wants half of Europe. (22:00) This is a question of European Security. (25:38) You see where Hate leads you. It does not stop with the speech. (26:25) You don’t know what happens tomorrow, you don’t know what happens today. Right know we think we are safe in Western Ukraine, but this can change. (28:55) It’s better to escape than to panic. (30:54) People are preparing where to go when there is bombing, how to communicate when there is no internet connection. (32:22) I don’t know how we manage, but we manage. (32:44) There are two ways to help. Support NGOs and donate or join European Groups on Facebook and organize medical help or civilian needs. (33:56) Switch Russia off from Swift and provide “no fight zones”. (34:31) Stop the aggression now with us in the Ukraine, to prevent it coming to you. (35:41) Russian Liberals say “Do, what you are not afraid to do.” If it is a Facebook Post, it is a Facebook Post. If it is #nowar – do it. (36:30) Ukraine will stay strong.
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